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The last thing scientists should do is speak the truth to decision makers? WTF! What, will their delicate sensibilities be offended by this horrible reality stuff? Might this reality not conform to their precious ideologies?The closest thing to practical action [against climate change and nuclear proliferation] was suggested by astronomy and physics professor Lawrence M. Krauss, who, in a BAS release, stated that "in these dangerous times scientists have a responsibility to speak truth to power".
Which is the last thing scientists should be doing. Rather than complaining to politicians or hectoring the public, if the scientific community sees threats to humanity it should lock itself up in a lab and come up with solutions.
…the global warming observed during the latest 150 years is just a short episode in the geologic history. The current global warming is most likely a combined effect of increased solar and tectonic activities and cannot be attributed to the increased anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere. Humans may be responsible for less than 0.01°C (of approximately 0.56°C total average atmospheric heating during the last century).Why, it’s none other than Khilyuk, L. F., and G. V. Chilingar (2006), perhaps the most mistake-ridden screed ever to pass peer-review. It has been fully debunked, and is an embarrassment to the authors, reviewers and the journal in which it was published, yet here it is forming a major part of the critique.
Another source of the Review’s overestimates of future levels of hunger is its treatment of the prospective fertilisation of crops by additional carbon dioxide. The basis for this assumption, which flies in the face of numerous papers on the reality of carbon fertilisation, is a recent paper (Long et al., 2006), which suggests only that under field conditions, carbon fertilisation may be a third to less than half of what is suggested by experiments using growth chambers. The Review’s effective assumption of no carbon fertilisation, which is wholly unrealistic, allows it to make a headline projection that “250–550 million additional people may be at risk” of hunger, whereas, on its own figures, an assumption of strong fertilisation would have suggested declining numbers of hungry people, even for a temperature increase of up to 3.5 degrees C.So, is there only one study that shows little CO2 benefit under field conditions? No.
Results from the open-field experiments, using Free-Air Concentration Enrichment (FACE) technology, “indicate a much smaller CO2 fertilization effect on yield than currently assumed for C3 crops, such as rice, wheat and soybeans, and possibly little or no stimulation for C4 crops that include maize and sorghum,”The bit that makes me laugh the most is the statement that FACE experiments ONLY demonstrate increased CO2 loses its fertilisation effect under field conditions. Only, hey?
Two students who died after climbing into a huge helium-filled balloon for the 'buzz' of inhaling the gas paid the ultimate price for their stupidity.But surely the third place getter, an unnamed Brazilian, deserved the title.
But at least Jason Ackerman and Sara Rydman, both 21, have won posthumous recognition – topping the list at the annual Darwin Awards.
The pair were discovered with their feet sticking out of a deflated promotional balloon used to advertise flats for sale at LakeView, South Florida.
The two apparently pulled the balloon out of the sky and squeezed themselves inside, where they died of oxygen starvation.
They were, presumably, unaware that many regard helium is the best gas for euthanasia.
In third place was a Brazilian who tried to dismantle a rocket-propelled grenade by driving back and forth over it with his car.Fraud, I tells ya, fraud!!!!!!!
When the weapon failed to break up, he attacked it with a sledgehammer. The explosion killed him and destroyed six cars and his workplace.
Tim Blair today, when a major new strategy was released by Bush involving the addition of 20 000 troops to attempt to quell the civil war:
1. Earlier editions of Arthur Chrenkoff’s Good News from Iraq series contained 71 links to underreported “good news” stories. The latest edition contains 178 links. A similar trend is evident in Chrenkoff’s coverage of reporting from Afghanistan. As Arthur writes:
"Either there is more and more good news coming out of both Iraq or Afghanistan, or the reporters are getting increasingly optimistic about the situation there, or both. Whatever’s the answer, it’s good news."
Sure is.
2. Lefty Mark Bahnisch speaks for his fellows:
"I doubt that I want to say very much about the current situation in Iraq actually"
Yeah. It’s too good.
Far-left political ideologies are being promulgated through ever-increasing mediums, and recently I noticed that a once-vaunted American television network, The Weather Channel, had succumbed to the cancerous spread of liberalism.Until I read Mel’s tome, I was unaware that Heidi Cullen of the Weather Channel was a leader in the field of climatology. And that the weather had cancer, or was liberal, or something along those lines.
The global warming crowd, led by arrogant hustlers such as Heidi Cullen at The Weather Channel, has set up a no-lose situation for themselves.
Climatology is by definition the study of long-term climate trends.I thought it was the study of climate; past present and future. Again I appear to be mistaken.
...and it will indeed be many decades or longer before any definitive conclusions about even the existence of global warming – let alone its causes – can be determined to be true or false.I detect something wrong there. Oh, that’s it.....we already have multiple pieces of evidence that constitute definitive proof of warming.
If forecasters can't reliably tell us what will happen in two to three months from now, why would anyone trust that they know what will happen with the weather in 50 or 100 years from now.Well, Mel, you can hold me to this one, ‘cause I’m going into the prediction business, and to show how good I am, I’m going to predict regional climate with 100% accuracy, three months from now.
[Monckton’s] backgrounder in particular is a pretty good overview of the current state of the science, such as it is……But really, one omniscient, omnipresent entity stands out: God.
Because most environmental scientists see the universe and even life itself as mere products of chance, it is easy for them to visualize potentially catastrophic changes occurring on Earth. As Christians we must remember that God provided certain ‘checks and balances’ in creation to prevent many global upsets that have been predicted by environmentalists.One doesn’t like to preempt the IPCC 4th report, but it can be assumed God’s ‘checks and balances’ aren’t prominent.
All of the scientific evidence indicates that there is no danger of a global warming disaster.Although God’s recent performances have been lackluster, she has proven form in attempting to overthrow the scientific orthodoxy. 2007 will be her year.
There is no evidence that today’s temperatures are warmer than during the mediaeval warm period 1,000 years ago.None. Nada. Zero.
In the summer of 2002, graduate student Derek Mueller made an unwelcome discovery: the biggest ice shelf in the Arctic was breaking apart.So this ice shelf is at least 3000 years old, survived intact through the Medieval Warm Period beginning ~1000 years ago and ending ~750 years ago, and is now melting and breaking apart. Kinda strange if it was warmer then, don’t you think? This is, of course, just one further piece of evidence to add to numerous others, like tree ring data proxies.
When the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf originally formed, it blocked the mouth of Disraeli Fiord, cutting it off from the Arctic Ocean. In the process, the ice shelf trapped driftwood inside the epishelf lake and kept other pieces of driftwood from entering. Pieces of driftwood found along the shores of Disraeli Fiord have been there since the ice shelf formed, and by radiocarbon dating the wood, researchers have been able to estimate the minimum age of the ice shelf. “There simply are no radiocarbon dates more recent than 3,000 years before present,” said Jeffries. This ice shelf, in existence for at least three millennia, has now encountered conditions it can no longer survive.
"Preliminary data indicate that the average total rainfall throughout Australia for 2006 was about 490 mm, slightly more than the long-term average of 472 mm."
The dominant cause of the drought experienced throughout southeast Australia in 2006 was the development of an El Niño in the tropical Pacific Ocean. However, Australia has experienced marked rainfall trends over the last 50 years with declines over southern and eastern Australia and increases across the northwest. The pattern of rainfall during 2006 continued this trend.The dry conditions in southern and eastern Australia in 2006 have continued the long-term rainfall deficiencies in many regions, some of which extend back more than five years. Aspects of this multi-year drought are highly unusual and unprecedented in many areas. Understanding the role that climate change has played in these anomalies is an area of active research.